
About Slothslohie

Slothslohie is a three toed (and occasionally four, five, six, or seven toed sloth) created by Alan Underwood and Rosanna Yee. Slothslohie began as a series of limericks in their text messages and she has grown up from there. Now you can be part of Slothslohie's story too!

Join us in our journey creating Slothslohie's adventures by coming back to this site for a daily Slothslohie poem, or create your own Slothslohie poems and enter the poetry contest. Contest winners will be featured as daily poems and will be collected into Slothslohie Volume II.

Follow along with Slothslohie's story by becoming one of the first people to buy Slothslohie Volume I, a collection of Slothslohie poems carefully hand made and bound by Alan Underwood and Rosanna Yee, or bring Slothslohie into your life with a selection of handmade Slothslohie merchandise.

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